Replay webinar "Attractivité française & intelligence économique: enjeux majeurs de la numérisation des entreprises" (French attractiveness and economic intelligence: the major challenges of digitizing businesses)

Webinar organized by "Paris Place de droit" in partnership with "MonJuridique.infogreffe".

"It is by encouraging the digitization of all businesses, especially the smallest, that our economic fabric will remain competitive," emphasized Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Telecommunications, at the release of the 2022 Barometer on the digital transformation of VSEs/SMEs (Baromètre 2022 sur la transformation numérique des TPE/PME, France Num, Sept. 20, 2022).

This digitization strategy is essential to their development, and goes beyond the day-to-day management of their business, enabling them to boost their performance and win market share.

On the program:

  • How far has France come in digitizing the daily lives of economic players?
  • What role can public service players and legal experts play in this evolution?
  • How, for example, does the digitization of share capital make it easier for unlisted companies to seek financing?

Event hosted by the experts :

- Jean-François Doucède - Vice-President of Infogreffe,

- Simon de Charentenay - Co-founder of MonJuridique.Infogreffe,

- Matthias Fekl - Lawyer at the Paris Bar, former Minister, former Secretary of State for Foreign Trade.