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Replay webinar "Companies: towards 100% dematerialized management of legal registers".

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Whether it's the register of share movements, the register of deliberations and decisions, the single personnel register, etc., managing mandatory registers is often a real headache!

In the age of digitalization and dematerialization, companies and firms no longer want to be burdened with paper or time-consuming administrative tasks.

Paper registers are a thing of the past!

Since the entry into force of Decree no. 2019-1118 of October 31, 2019, companies have been able to dematerialize their legal registers.

Dematerialization offers many advantages over paper.

On the program:

  • Why dematerialize the management of company registers?
  • How does dematerialization work?
  • For whom?
  • What is the legal framework?
  • Is history recovery possible?
  • How much does it cost?
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